Monday, August 29, 2016

In the Open- Part I

Those of you who know me personally along with those who might choose to follow me, will be surprised with what you find.  I am not as open of a person as you think.  Like many of you, I am self-centered and wish to be left alone for the most part.  Being now pushed into the open by myself and certain obligations, I now will start this journey.

I must build my platform, reluctantly.  In the book, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt, it is strongly suggested for any and all writers to start a blog, to start a fan base, to start a social connection, and to start a platform.

As a writer, I naturally have a strong desire to get any and all my ideas out of my head and into the world.  Oddly enough, I must force myself to create a place where people can look me up and down, inside and out.  Maybe I'm old fashioned, not even thirty years old, and still wishing I didn't have to advertise myself.  But I desire success.

My goal, to be a full time writer, will set me free.  It must be accomplished. 

Since a girl, the desire to make plots and characters has always been there.  I encourage everyone to read my mind to learn about them.

I can't promise that my writing will be always be good, but I will try to make it something great.  So that if you do return to me daily you will take something with you every time.  I place myself out in the open for you, my beautiful readers.



  1. Fantastic! I'm so excited for you! You will do great things, that I know for sure.

  2. Sounds interesting. Hopefully it will be inspirational and not distracting to enter the blogging world. I hope you enjoy Louie as much as I do. I wonder what it is that makes me keep reading and reading his books. I never seem to tire of him. I think it may be because his vast experiences have given much wisdom and that he simply has the confidence to be himself.

    1. Thank you for all the support, Jean! I will do my best to keep you entertained and interested!
