Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Words, Words, Words!

Words are the only link that a writer has between themselves and their readers.  Without words, books would be impossible.  (not including picture books)  Sentences, paragraphs, chapters, etc. make up a beautiful pyramid eventually building one on top of the other to create a working story that contains plots, places, and characters.

My primary focus is going to be on fictional books, so please do not assume I mean to degrade or downplay non-fiction.

Today you are able to take a glimpse at my favorite tool.  My Webster's Dictionary Plus Thesaurus.  Inside its ragged pages lie so many words.  A comfort always comes over me when I pick it up, leaf through, and find what my forgetful brain needs.  I've used it so many times, taken it so many places, and had it in and out of my bag so many times, you will see that the cover including the back, has completely come off.  There is no denying that it is my "go-to".

To start, the dictionary, is a wonderful asset.  When I am not sure what a word means I will go straight to it.  I will be the first to admit that I don't know everything there is to know.  Any writer would be a fool to assume they can work without it.

Secondly, the thesaurus, is my favorite part.  If you were to look inside this section, you would notice that I have highlighted quite a number of words here.  Using a highlighter normally draws my attention to a word that I think is unique and should be included in a story's vocabulary.  Sometimes, you just need that little push to a better word.  Something that flows better in the reader's mind.  Often, while I'm scrolling the columns, I will say out loud, "Oh, I forgot that word existed!"

If you are aspiring to write, or maybe just bored one day, I challenge you to either buy something like my so cherished dictionary/ thesaurus, or for the my more digital readers, create a document on your computer in which you can fill with words.  Highlight certain ones you like or make fun of the ones you hate.  There is no wrong way to go about it.

Learning a few new words everyday is great for the brain.  You will feel smarter too!

So get out there and discover something new, original, recent, young, firsthand, fresh... (Ant.): antique, ancient, obsolete


The Only Good Writer is a Dead Writer

Joanne Rowling is known around the world as J.K. Rowling, famous for the Harry Potter series that has been enjoyed by many.  She has made a tremendous amount of wealth by her writings.  Many look to her as a role model and someone to aspire to.  Her writings, which eventually turned to movies, have encouraged many to follow in her path.  (Most wanting the instant gratification of wealth and fame.)

As for Suzanne Beck?  She is following a different path.

About ten to fifteen years ago, if I didn't like someone and/or definitely did not want to see them succeed, you might hear me say, "I hate that person, I hope they trip!"  Now at my current age, I have graduated to a new level of maturity.  Instead of wishing physical pain, I have developed a focus on desiring downfalls to their careers.

While I liked reading Harry Potter, I can't help feeling a jealousy towards the success of a fellow writer.  Pathetic, maybe.  But from my view point, I desire the full attention of the readers.  I don't want them distracted by other ideas from other minds.

The irony of it all, is that currently I have seven books on my desk that I am reading.  My attention is being pulled in all directions from a plethora of authors.

Hoping that I'm not the only creative person out there that feels envious towards other's achievements, I will patiently wait another ten to fifteen years from now to see if I mature again.

Maybe by then, I'll be the one that others will be jealous about or encouraged from.


Monday, August 29, 2016

In the Open- Part I

Those of you who know me personally along with those who might choose to follow me, will be surprised with what you find.  I am not as open of a person as you think.  Like many of you, I am self-centered and wish to be left alone for the most part.  Being now pushed into the open by myself and certain obligations, I now will start this journey.

I must build my platform, reluctantly.  In the book, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World by Michael Hyatt, it is strongly suggested for any and all writers to start a blog, to start a fan base, to start a social connection, and to start a platform.

As a writer, I naturally have a strong desire to get any and all my ideas out of my head and into the world.  Oddly enough, I must force myself to create a place where people can look me up and down, inside and out.  Maybe I'm old fashioned, not even thirty years old, and still wishing I didn't have to advertise myself.  But I desire success.

My goal, to be a full time writer, will set me free.  It must be accomplished. 

Since a girl, the desire to make plots and characters has always been there.  I encourage everyone to read my mind to learn about them.

I can't promise that my writing will be always be good, but I will try to make it something great.  So that if you do return to me daily you will take something with you every time.  I place myself out in the open for you, my beautiful readers.
