Wednesday, October 19, 2016

the mime

Posted: October 19, 2016 

Part One

Tanner Pitch, a young man of habit, found himself in the most unusual of lifestyles.  Thankfully for him, the way home to his tiny apartment started out the same way as any other night besides the fact he decided today that he would keep his makeup on.  The makeup might help him earn a few extra dollars which he so desperately needed.

He was travelling inside a subway car below the city of New York.  The little car carried fewer passengers at this time of night.  The comparison was staggering to the massive amount of morning commuters when he began his usual day at his work.  His work involved entertainment.

When he first moved to New York City, Tanner’s big plans were quickly crushed after his funds for acting classes no longer existed.  Life in the ‘Big Apple’ became a burden and he desired very much to escape back to the life he once knew.

Out of boredom from the game he played, he lifted his head from his phone to look around.  About fifteen women, and ten men surrounded him.  Two young women, talking and laughing near the back end of the car, caught his attention.  They both were very attractive.  One blonde and the other brunette.  The brunette’s eyes were clear and bright.  Deep brown.  He couldn’t help but stare.

The blonde noticed his unwarranted attention and glared angrily back at him.  He couldn’t hear what she spoke, but he got the idea.  Reading her lips, he made out a, “What are you looking at?”

Dropping his head quickly in embarrassment, he acted busy on his phone.  After a few moments, he stole another glance at the two, just to see the brown headed girl.  They were back in conversation.  He lost their interest just as quickly as he had gained it.

That was New York for you.  Nobody cared about anyone else, especially on the subway.  They all were jam packed into this tiny metal coffin flying through lighted tunnels, and nobody cared about anyone except themselves.  Tanner cared for nobody either.  His parents were killed not just three months before.  He had no siblings, no grandparents, and all his aunts and uncles lived out of state and out of mind.

This arrangement seemed to please him.  He felt alone, but to him, the freedom helped keep his head clear.  The goal he set for himself was about a year away.  Gather enough money and escape to a suburb outside of the city.  He needed a car and a better job, all in good time.  For now, he would go to the best tourist spots, and perform as best he could for the dollars that would support him through the summer.

Tanner wanted to get lost again in his game, but he heard commotion coming from the back of the car.  The blonde was shouting rather loudly at another passenger.  The brunette was standing back looking shocked and almost afraid.  The young man looked around to see if anyone else was taking noticed.  A few were looking in their direction, but no one intervened.

He heard the blonde yell wildly, “No, I saw you!  You took that right out of my friend’s bag!  Give it back!  I saw you!”

The man, who wore an unusual choice of a long trench coat for the beginning of summer, raised his hands in defense, “Look, I don’t know what you’re talking about, lady.  I’m just minding my business like everyone else.”

“You brushed up against her!  I saw you take it as plain as day!  You are a –”

“Ali, please, it’s ok.  I got everything,” the brunette interrupted her friend.

Ali, the blonde, could not except this for an answer.  She was as bold and daring as it came.  Without a second thought she grabbed the man’s coat and opened it up to reveal what was inside.


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