Friday, September 16, 2016


Posted: September 16, 2016

Today I received one of the top ranking birthday presents of my life, a Roget’s International Thesaurus, Seventh Edition.  It is by far the largest book I have been given, and a wonderful tool.  When my parents asked what I wanted, I suggest a thesaurus, thinking I would receive a typical alphabetical Webster edition.  No, they went all out.

This amazing tool, isn’t listed alphabetically at all!  In fact, it is divided into topics, which is very useful.  When I’m looking for a word, I often know the meaning of what I want, but cannot think of a word for it.  This will help immensely, because the ability, to narrow down the word to an exact section and pick out the exact word I was looking for, is beyond powerful.

Motivation is among several words I have scoped out.  I would like to dive a little bit into the word and how amazing it can impact our thoughts on our creations.  The Roget’s Thesaurus divides up a specific thought, for our use today, motivation is split up by nouns, verbs, and adjectives.  There are 31 entries listed, practically two pages.

Nouns such as reason, prompting, inducement, incitement, urging, pressure, and instigator are mentioned.  Verbs listed include provoke, prod, stir up, kindle, spark, encourage, prevail on, and charm.  Motivated, challenging, and enlivening are a few adjectives.

Location of Motivation

As creators of music, art, words, theatre, and so on, we need to sometimes pinpoint our motivation and hold on to it for dear life.  Motivation can be found anywhere.  My source is general from the people I surround myself with.  Some look within.  Thinking of the end results is also motivational.

The Passion Motivation Brings

Without motivation a special project that is on our minds, will general lose its momentum.  Motivation will bring a fire and excitement to keep it alive.  With the proper motivation for our work, we will be able to surprise even ourselves with the passion we put towards it.

Reason for Motivation

Our human nature causes us to become lazy or discourage very easily.  If you desire to run a marathon and begin training, soon the pressures will cause us to cave.  We need that motivation to keep going to the end.

You Can be a Motivation

We can motivate our children, spouses, friends, or fellow creators.  So often we need the push, and forget that others will need it too.  A simple phrase is all that is needed sometimes.  Other times, that person is desperate to have you accompany them the entire way.  If that is the case, we should be oblige them.  The support will always be returned when you begin your endeavors, plus you will feel motivated yourself to go on with your work.  It is always amazing how I always want to join the gym after watching a weight loss show.  I see the motivation given to the individual and I believe that if I go for it, the motivation will be there for me also.

Maintaining Motivation

Keeping with the weight loss theme, it is always amazing how in February dust begins to mount on our treadmills.  Motivation is always there, but like a beautiful garden, it needs to be cared for.  Gratitude for it should always be showered on the motivators in our lives.  If you seek your motivation, like me, from others, then you must thank them.  You must believe in what they say too.  If they say, ‘You can do it!’ then you can actually do it.  Believe them.  Motivation sought from your own self, is harder to care for, because willpower is so delicate.  If everyone else has let you down, and discouraged you, then seeking your own motivation is necessary.  Looking at daily inspirational quotes is a good start.  When looking at your future for motivation, you will have to keep a clear head.  Believe in yourself, that the end results will be exactly what you wanted.

I am so thankful to my parents as one of my great motivators.  They encourage and get very excited when I am excited.  Seek out your motivation, you will need it.  Be a motivation for others, and be thankful when you receive it.


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